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Jan Trunečka
An 27.06.23, 10:11
Serial : 2109290057

Dne po 26. 6. 2023 9:11 uživatel Alain Gressly <alain.gressly@g-systems.eu> napsal:

A new answer on power-on problems has been posted. Click here to access the post :

See post

G-Systems Engineering ood
Industrial zone 11
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Tel. office: +359 879 407 417
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E-Mail: alain.gressly@gmail.com
Web: www.g-systems.eu

The serial number is o.k. what about the batteries?

G-Systems Engineering Ltd., Alain Gressly an 27.06.23, 10:12

Alain Gressly
An 26.06.23, 07:11

Hi, can you send me your serial number of the device to alain.gressly@g-systems.eu I have to check the version. One problem could be low Batteries, The SGC on power failure should keep the computer running for max. 1min. . In case the power does not return, after this proceed with the shut down procedure another 2min. In case the batteries are weak the device can not end the job and  will not restart from alone on return of the power.

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Fragestellung: 23.06.23, 09:44
Gesehen: 3053 -mal
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27.06.23, 10:11