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power-on problems
Version: 1.2
Theme: WIFI connections and Network
am 23.06.23, 09:44 • 3.053 Ansichten
hello, I have a really serious problem, every time my power goes off and then on again, the sgc won't turn on and can't connect to it, I have to disconnect the batteries and unplug it, only after maybe 3 tries it connects again and it turns on, it's been like that since the first plug-in, tonight the power went out for about 4 minutes, in the morning when I came to the grow room everything was dead, nothing turned on again and before I noticed it had fatal consequences, the cooling didn't even turn on irrigation and everything is dead. can you please somehow reprogram the regulator so I don't have to lose a lot of money again? I chose sgc because I was always satisfied with your products and there was no problem, but this really didn't work, I'm struggling with the connection, it keeps getting stuck and I can't connect again, it won't connect with a cable, it just keeps flashing, connect it to wifi not completely impossible, I have tried according to your instructions about 20 times and it has not connected even once. but so far these problems have only annoyed me a lot but now it has killed my entire crops, please help me, this must not happen again.
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Hi, can you send me your serial number of the device to alain.gressly@g-systems.eu I have to check the version. One problem could be low Batteries, The SGC on power failure should keep the computer running for max. 1min. . In case the power does not return, after this proceed with the shut down procedure another 2min. In case the batteries are weak the device can not end the job and will not restart from alone on return of the power.
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Fragestellung: 23.06.23, 09:44 |
Gesehen: 3053 -mal |
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27.06.23, 10:11 |
The serial number is o.k. what about the batteries?