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New SGC wont start up
Version: Unspecified
Theme: Unspecified
am 24.06.21, 14:51 • 4.622 Ansichten
the green LED keeps blinking, and i cant find the Wlan. Serial: 2102160111
Kind Regards
There is some problem starting up the Computer. After the LED keeps constantly shining it is ready. This could maybe be the SD card... eventually from transport. Please unplug the device and remove all battery. Open and check if the SD card is nicely placed in the slot. Remove it and return it again. Check if the BB = beagleboard is nicely in his position connected. If nothing helps we will provide you a new image on SD card as first. Let us know.
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Fragestellung: 24.06.21, 14:51 |
Gesehen: 4622 -mal |
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 08.07.21, 18:17 |