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Linux Shell connect possible? Redirect Values of Sensors to external System
Version: Unspecified
Theme: Unspecified
am 11.11.21, 22:35 • 6.439 Ansichten
is it possible to give all the Values stored in the SGC DB to an external Linux System?
How can i connect via ssh to the System. I get a disconnect before the Passwort when i try it.
Kind Regards
Hi Alain,
thank you for the quick response! What is the underlying Software? I dont know in which Forums to ask.
Why cant i get root acces to the System, with full license?
Kind Regrads
I need at least automate the .csv export so i can parse the .csv and import it on my central monitoring Systems. Where can i get help with this?
I would pay for this, because without the Box is not really useble..
Root acces should be possible on a system that i bought, i think.
Hi Medi.
You can downlaod the csv file of Your sensor measures from here:
BS: Change {smartgrow} with your actuall hostname of the controller. By defualt is smartgrow, or change it with the ip address of Your controller
Von: "Evgeni Velikov" <evgeni.velikov@g-systems.eu>
An: "Rüdiger Safranski" <philobert@web.de>
Betreff: Re: Linux Shell connect possible? Redirect Values of Sensors to external System
Hi Medi.
You can downlaod the csv file of Your sensor measures from here:
BS: Change {smartgrow} with your actuall hostname of the controller. By defualt is smartgrow, or change it with the ip address of Your controller
On this forum we supporting SGC functions, This means user functions in connection with the SGC software. The SGC give the possibility to export historical measurements as .csv and to backup the database as restore. Whatever Users (computer programmers) are doing behind our software the developers will not answer because the boss don't want to pay for this. You may should try in an other Forum for programmers or some other SGC-User can do this. I apologies to not give detailed answer without the programmers being paid for this job.
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Fragestellung: 11.11.21, 22:35 |
Gesehen: 6439 -mal |
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 14.11.21, 18:35 |
I do not even know what is root access, our programmers said you don't need this to run the SGC as a normal user.