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Light controller function
Version: Unspecified
Theme: Unspecified
am 05.12.21, 15:49 • 4.553 Ansichten
I try to set sunrise and sunset but when they start sunrise go from 1 to 100% ok and after go straight to 0% doesn't stay on 100% so lights just after sunrise go off how I can fix that?
Thanks for the question and I'm sorry for very long waiting. Today we see the problem on sunset. It doesn't matter do you are put 1h or 1m like we do, when the time is coming is just stop it immediately. That is what we see here today.
EDIT: We work on the problem we found the problem which can cost what exactly happening to You. We also now add some additional feature in the controller. I believe next week the controller will have next version (for now will be BETA).
Best regards
Sensor compare CO2 Controller are not very well tested and they are available only on BETA versions. If You think Sensor Compare function are working very well we will include it in next LTS version. But the beta version will available anyway.
Thanks alote am looking forward for new upgrade.
Best regards
Hi I still have the issue with sunrise and sunsets i think there is a bug , when I set up light controller with out put any sunrise and sunset it works but when I put ex: 1 hour sunrise and 1 hour sunset the light go to 0% so light just 1 minute after sunrise finish go off ...
my example :
on at 20 with 1 hour sunrise
off at 8 with 1 hour sunset
pleas can you check it? can be very appreciate if you can create a room on your sgc and I can entry and see how you set up or also a screenshoot can be good
Thanks Alote
New task created, we will investigate Light controller function Deadline 25. Jan 2022
Today we have made a several testings. We could not monitor to set 1h sunset and to get it for 1minute. May you have entered 1min. instead of 1h into the Light-controller function?
Please can you send us a screenshot of the light-controller function.
Screen shoot example : https://ibb.co/jZy4T92
Light go on at 20 and off at 08 so I set up in this way.. but didn't work.
i set up 1 hour not 1 minute, I say 1 minute because with this set up light go on at 1 % at 20 and at 21 is at 100% but at 21.01 light go to 0 % so light go off.
This could be 2 different issues, one of them is that the sunrise and sunset is in the beginning or in the end of your time. In this case it will be correct to stop/start the light.
If the dimming happens because of the temperature reason (during the ON time) then I think it is because of your device stops for example below 10% =1V. This you have to find out at which point your device switches off/on.
0-1V = Off
1-10V = dimming
This depends on the manufacturer of the device. we found out that some devices even stops below 30% = 3V.
If your device stops at 10% you should set a minimum dimming value of 11%
Thanks Alain for fast response, yes my light get on at 10% but I still not available to program correctly pleas can you provide me a screen shot on how to program if my light start at 20 and off at 08 how to program correctly 1 hour sunrise and 1 hour sunset.
(and am very looking forward the co2 program screenshot I also have trouble there...)
need one for CO2 as well please
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Fragestellung: 05.12.21, 15:49 |
Gesehen: 4553 -mal |
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 18.01.22, 08:55 |
Hi i fine a problem also programming the rooms, looks like the time is inverted ... to set ex: heater I need to put on night the temp I want in the day and in the day the temp I want in the night .. is strange
my time schedule is on at 20 off at 8 , it happened with all function they have (day night ) maybe also light controller have this issue
Also sensor compare and other new function disappear... this new function was very useful
Thanks Kindest Regard