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sealed hi-end 3*3 tent with CO2, issues with sensors
Version: Unspecified
Theme: Unspecified
am 15.12.21, 11:11 • 4.824 Ansichten
Good day,
I am master grower with 10+ years of experience. Running 3*3 with 8*600 HPS(hooded and vented outside of the room). Tent is inside sealed room with A\C, humidifier(cell membrane with water supply connected to air intake) and dehumidifier(industrial 70l\h). Air inside of the tent is scrubbed with 3200m3 intake fan with matching filter and blowed out to medium room tent is set and goes back in after passing humidifier's cells and back to intake.
So basically SGC controls everything and everything is plugged in except A\C
full set of sensors was purchased including CO2.
Here are my observations with it - I was told that it was to be set in good ventilated environment to give proper readings. Mr Alain, I have built my own sensor in the past and had same issues - what we did was - 5 times bigger casing for it with large holes drilled and lowered refresh are for the sensor - 1 time every 30s is enough for our needs. Since we are no longer connected via email I can continue here. Co2 sensor has to give you proper readings without direct air movement. Had bunch of them, but I will test properly inside the tent today-tomorrow to see if it giving proper readings being hanged under powerful air flow. But I mind you that after we have fixed box size it could be left at the table and still we had proper readings. Budget was around 200 usd if I recall correctly. Please replace case for it and try to lower refresh rate to prevent overheating. Tested it outside with +2c temp - readings were ok compared to calibrated sensor I am using to see faults with SGC one, so yes, thermal management is the issue here.
Temperature sensors are rather terrible than acceptable - drift is more than 2-3 degrees. Room is 22,8 and I am having constant readings of 25-26,5 degrees from BOTH thermocouples (one with CO2 and other one like a tube with a mesh screen) - that drift is unacceptable in any environment, 0.5 degrees is the limit for accuracy in temperature measurements in horticultural industry.
Moreover - sensor calibration function in admin panel DOES NOT FUNCTION at all, wrote it caps locked so programmers could see it better. You change temp for example to -2 or +2 and readings are still stay the same in dashboard, no confirmation button even exists when you change those scales for calibration. Please change it for ANY VALUE calibration, I have to be able to calibrate it for -3 or -4 degrees since thermocouple works terrible and I hope that that drift is linear and not parabolic. That way simple calibration would bring it back to reality.
I think I need new sensors set replacement, no way I can run the room with temp that reads our 3-4 degrees more, I will not change numbers knowing that they are faulty - it is not proper way running grow rooms. Being running all kind of sensors and never had that faulty temp readings from thermocouple. I will post links to industrial sensors I was using in the past with DIY setup for CO2\temp\RH - but it worked and no venting or airflow was needed at all.
SCG interface - have 0 success connecting box to the wi-fi router. First of all - I can only choose one from drop down menu and press next and it starts reboot process(where do I put password then in this case?) or I can manually(tried 10 times) enter wi-fi info and press same button for reboot - and NOTHING happens, it just don't want to connect to my time capsule router and scanning shows that no Mac address (you can see it on reload page) is shown as client in the list meaning box is NOT connected to wi-fi. after 5 mins it goes back to hotspot mode and operates like that - so no wi-fi connectivity for me I guess for now hotspot is ok way to control the box with RDP it could be ran from anywhere where there is an internet connection.
Graph records - please redo it with scales available - it is ok, but could be more informative, also combining all 4 charts is not a good idea, I have to constantly turn off all the colors except needed one then put time interval to 1 hour to get proper scale and go back to 24h check to get bigger picture and see if no irregularities happened. Would be nice to have that but still ok, module works.
Time zone - for some reason can not set up time properly, it shows me "Invalid date" next to language selector.
For now to be able to start room with SGC I need CO2 sensor to work properly(have to double check inside the tent, will update soon), have proper temp thermocouples sent as a replacement and\or calibration option given to bring those readings back to reality. I'd also replace case for controller to give it more air inside and please lower refresh rate or give that option like calibration is done - it would be nice to choose how often do I want my CO2 sensor to refresh readings, I am good with refresh rate at every 20-30 secs.
I am using 1.1.5 version, connecting as hotspot, Safari browser and Chrome
hope that would help to resolve current issues
.UPDATE Ezodo НТ-380 - this is the thermocouple and RH meter I was telling you about - this one is proper and tested in field conditions. Is it possible to re-solder my own sensors for temp and RH to use it with SGC?
Please upgrade your software to the latest version. News version is V 1.2.0.
Stuff like the calibration is already fixed....
This is much text. Just confirm we have this. Many tasks we already know and some of them are in progress, you have told us before, the others we will add to our to-do list.
G-Systems Engineering ood
Industrial zone 11
BG-8800 Sliven
Tax ID: BG200487026
Tel. office: +359 879 407 417
BG-Mob.: +359 885 413 696
E-Mail: alain.gressly@gmail.com
Web: www.g-systems.eu![]()
Some testing of the CO2 sensor housing we compared with housing and without the cover (open sensor) in a good ventilated room does not show any significant differences in the value, the open cover sensor shows a slightly faster acting of the value. After this latest findings we decided that the CO2 sensor is suitable for our needs and can manage a correct +/- 50ppm dosing. It is important that the CO2 sensor hangs vertically in the room with the airflow opening bottom and top side.
Some testing of the CO2 sensor housing we compared with housing and without the cover (open sensor) in a good ventilated room does not show any significant differences in the value, the open cover sensor shows a slightly faster acting of the value. After this latest findings we decided that the CO2 sensor is suitable for our needs and can manage a correct +/- 50ppm dosing. It is important that the CO2 sensor hangs vertically in the room with the airflow opening bottom and top side.
G-Systems Engineering ood
Industrial zone 11
BG-8800 Sliven
Tax ID: BG200487026
Tel. office: +359 879 407 417
BG-Mob.: +359 885 413 696
E-Mail: alain.gressly@gmail.com
Web: www.g-systems.eu![]()
Hi You can update the software from Help section, from the web app of the controller
I can't, I can only connect using wi-fi direct connection and when I check for updates it says up to date, how do I manually update it if I can't connect the box to the internet?
Hi Ivanovich. Tomorrow morning I will send You a link and instruction how to make it, by email In newer versions will be possible directly from web interface.
Upgraded, still same issue with time\date, same error. Tried to connect via wi-fi using Guest network with WEP\WPAWPA2 protocols and it only connects to internet if I create a network without a password. But even with the internet connection it can read the time but can't save it for some reason(I am using batteries inside SGC).
Having issues in setting up some controls.
Sealed room, inside that room is the 3*3*2.2 tent. A\C used both for heating during cold nights and cooling during day cycle. Exhaust fan used to cool the room down, intake fan used as a humidifier(has a pump that circulates water over cardboard side cells and moistens the intake air raising humidity.
4*600W MG lights during veg
4*600W LEDs during flowering
Exhaust fan - 3200m3\h
Intake fan - 2000m3\4
AC - 12000BTU
CO2 tank with regulator connected to SGC
Dehumidifier(industrial grade) - 70l\h
Oscillating fans - 4 constantly on(via smart SGC socket)
Could you please send a screenshot with an example of how to set up a room according to my needs please? I am using external controller for exhaust fan to control intensity(if I plug it directly, motor makes noise when power is below 100 even at 99% making it worse if I go lower). How do I control intake fan intensity?
I need to turn the pump switch on if humidity drops below set point and vice versa. Dehumidifier should start when humidity raises above set point as well to prevent mold buildup.
A\C is constantly keeping 17-18 C around the tent inside sealed room.
CO2 tank is mystery for me how to set up correctly - big thanks for screenshot or tutorial.
I've seen that software used in tutorials is 2.1.X - can you please upload it so we can use it as well please?
I was thinking to use it to start the room and now it is on idle due to failed date, co2 and fans control setup. There is no way I can enter power for each of fans, normally intake is smaller - which ratio have you put in the code?
Upgrade the software to V 1.2.0 some issues like the time zone and the sensor calibration bugs are already solved. Also some improvements with the WIFI connection has been made. The current PC (Beaglebone) has no WIFI on board, to start/stop the services over the USB takes long time. This problem we can solve only replacing the PC, it is under development.
The Temperature sensor SG10 the accuracy is fine. On the SG12 Humidity sensors the Temperature is +/-1.5C . This temperature is not mean as temperature sensor it is used to calculate the relative Humidity. Also here some improvements have been done we expect new sensors for the SGC in Spring/Summer 2022.
About some other issues we take them in consideration and will constantly keeping improving and adding new functions. I thank you for this inputs.
I can't, I can only connect using wi-fi direct connection and when I check for updates it says up to date, how do I manually update it if I can't connect the box to the internet?
Hi Ivanovich. Tomorrow morning I will send You a link and instruction how to make it, by email In newer versions will be possible directly from web interface.
Thank you! Much appreciated. Going to do real life test tomorrow as well.
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Fragestellung: 15.12.21, 11:11 |
Gesehen: 4824 -mal |
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 30.01.22, 18:00 |
This is much text. Just confirm we have this. Many tasks we already know and some of them are in progress, you have told us before, the others we will add to our to-do list.